
The world is abundant with endless opportunity. 

A flower blossoms. A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. To indulge in the pleasure of a sunrise or sunset. To sulk in the abundance of nature that provides for us all. 

To breathe in deeply. And, then, to breathe out. 

It's sometimes easy to forget that we're still in the garden of eden. Our ancestors survived thousands of millenia for us to be in abundance now. Our birthright is to have gratitude towards all that this wonderful world has offered, is offering, and will offer. 

When we set our goals and intentions consciously, discipline our actions towards them, and march to the beat of our own sacred drummer, the world responds. When we plan for abundance, expect abundance, and put forth efforts to attain abundance, we rarely find ourselves in scarcity. 

Scarcity. That dirty word that infects the minds of all of us from time to time. That fear of loss at the pit of your stomach. The fear of doing the wrong thing. The worry and pain of analysis paralysis. Impostor syndrome sneaking in to poison internal dialogue. 

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that..."

Indeed, I say, "Scarcity cannot drive out scarcity. Only abundance can do that..."

Feel the abundance shining on every morsel of your being. Feel the opportunity knocking at your door. Walk into the abundant future that surrounds you. 

Continue into your eternal becoming... one breathe at a time.